Dr. Alexander Koof

Alexander is specialised in agrochemical and biocide law. His practise focus on administrative law in the agrochemical and biocide sector. He advises in plant protection law with a regulatory affairs focus. Alexander co-Heads the focus group agrochemicals.
In 2018, he successfully participated in the specialist attorney course in intellectual property law.
He is a member of the German Red Cross.
Alexander speaks German and English.
- Year 1984; Lawyer since 2016
- Joined the firm on 1 February 2017
- Studied law at the University of Gießen and the University of Bonn
- 2010 - 2014: Research associate at the Institut of Commercial & Economic Law, University of Bonn, Prof. Dr. Matthias Leistner, LL.M. (Cambridge)
- 2014: Doctoral degree in law (Dr. iur.)
- 2013 - 2016: Legal clerkship at the District Court in Bonn
- 2015 - 2017: Work at the law firm Gleiss Lutz
- Biocide law
- Intellectual property and copyright law (IP)
- European law
- Member of the board of the German Red Cross Linnich
- Since 4/2024 co-editor of the legal journal for substance law - StoffR
Specialist lectures:
- „Copyright law and research funding“, research with tailwind, 28 March 2011, University of Bonn
- Die Zulassung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln und die Urteile des EuGH vom 25.4.2024 – Zum Prinzip der gegenseitigen Anerkennung und dem neuesten Stand von Wissenschaft und Technik (gemeinsam mit Dr. Joachim Wenning), StoffR 2-2024, 94-115
- Application provisions of plant protection products protecting non-target terrestrial plants (NTTP) and non-target arthropods (NTA) in the treatment area (in-field), Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s41348-021-00517-z
- Nationaler Teilflächenansatz des Umweltbundesamtes zum Schutz von Nichtzielpflanzen und Nichtzielarthropoden bei der Zulassung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln, StoffR 3-2020, 112
- Compensatory Application Provisions of Plant Protection Products to Protect Biodiversity, 14 July 2020, European Journal of Risk Regulation, Cambridge University Press
- Impact of Brexit on zonal approval procedures and mutual recognition procedures in plant protection legislation, 30 June 2020, European Journal of Risk Regulation, Cambridge University Press
- Brexit: Auswirkungen des Austritts des Vereinigten Königreichs aus der Europäischen Union auf zonale Zulassungsverfahren und Verfahren der gegenseitigen Anerkennung im Pflanzenschutzmittelrecht, StoffR 4-2019, 189
- Pflanzenschutzrechtliche Anwendungsbestimmungen zum Schutze der Biodiversität - Rechtliche Bewertung von Anwendungsbestimmungen zur Vorhaltung von Biodiversitätsausgleichsflächen, AUR 8-2019, 286
- Authorisation of plant protection products in the zonal authorisation procedure - Comment on Administrative Court of Braunschweig, Judgement of 12.04.2018, case 9 A 44/16, StoffR 2018, 205
- The Conflict between the Broadcasting Right and the Right of Making Available to the Public, Tübingen 2015
- National Report: Questionnaire – Boundaries and Interfaces, Reply of the German ALAI Group, Association littéraire et artistique internationale, 2011 (together Matthias Leistner, Manuel Kleinemenke, Stefan Koroch)