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Areas of expertise


Legislation on Agrochemicals especially Plant Protection Products (PPP)

Since decades we supervise and advise companies which deal with the production, authorisation and trade of plant production products. A specialized consultation is necessary due to the individual characteristics of the regulatory affairs, the customs of the trade and the various markets.


Our comprehensive advice of manufacturers, consulting companies, traders and end users under German and European law covers especially:

We counsel our clients and their consultants in person.

Our litigation practice is focusing on representing clients' interests in agrochemical litigation, in particular regarding:

  • Actions for failure to act against German authorities
  • Actions for the grant of authorisations
  • Actions for compensation due to breach of official duty


Dr. Koof has been co-editor of the legal journal for substance law (StoffR) published by Lexxion Verlag (Berlin) since April 2024.

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In a decision dated 4 December 2023 (Ref. 7 L 980/23), the Administrative Court of Aachen confirmed the illegality of the general ban on the use of...

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On 3 September 2020, the Administrative Court of Braunschweig confirmed the illegality of the application provision NG356 (No application of products...

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For the protection of biodiversity, the German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA) pursues the goal of establishing compensation areas to balance...

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Legislation on Biocides

Biocidal products are in general any substance or mixture, in the form in which it is supplied to the user, consisting of one or more active substances, with the intention of destroying, deterring, rendering harmless, preventing the action of, or otherwise exerting a controlling effect on, any harmful organism by any means other than mere physical or mechanical action. They are necessary for the control of organisms that are harmful to human or animal health and for the control of organisms that cause damage to natural or manufactured materials. Biocidal products are divided into the following groups in accordance with Annex V to Biocides Regulation (EU) No. 528/2012:

  • Disinfectants
  • Preservatives
  • Pest control
  • Other biocidal products

The Biocides Regulation (EU) No. 528/2012 serves the legal basis for the authorisation of biocidal products in Europe. The authorisation procedure is in addition regulated by the German Chemicals Act (ChemG). The Federal Office for Chemicals (BfC) at the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) is the competent authority regarding the authorisation of biocidal products in Germany.

We advise our clients in all questions concerning biocide law, in particular regarding:

  • Authorisation of biocidal active substances
  • Authorisation of biocidal products (BP) in Germany
  • Article 95-List
  • Data sharing and Letter of Access (LoA)
  • Classification and labelling of biocidal products
  • Advertising and compliance
  • Consortia / Task Forces
  • Opposition proceedings
  • Lawsuits
  • Competition law
  • Drafting of contracts